Nano education at the University of Kassel: The synergy between research and degree course
Faust, Rüdiger

The University of Kassel, Germany is following a dual strategy in educating young researchers in modern nanosciences and nanotechnology. The synergies between research and teaching are brought about by establishing the scientific centre CINSaT - Centre for Interdisciplinary Nanostructure Science and Technology - on the one hand and by introducing the degree programme 'Diplom-Nanostrukturwissenschaften' (nanostructure science) on the other. In CINSaT, founded 2002, more than 20 research groups from areas as diverse as civil and electronic engineering, materials science, chemistry, physics and biology have joined forces to create a highly interdisciplinary research environment. In the degree course 'nanostructure science' the first students were welcomed in the winter term of 2003. It has since been oversubscribed every year and has attracted students from all parts of the country. A particularity of this programme lies in the efforts to teach the fundamental sciences chemistry, physics and biology with equal emphasis, allowing the students to choose additional subjects in the advanced phase of their studies. Aims and organisation of CINSaT as well as of the degree programme will be reviewed and a resume of the first years will be given.